INDICATION:1 STEP Healthy TOWARDS ALIFEAcidity, Heartburn, Causes of Acidity and heart dyspepsia, Flatulence, Gastritis & Loss of Appetite, indigestion (dueto loss of Digestive Erzymes). Safe in all trimesters pregnancyCOMPOSITION:Zingiber officinale extract (USP)….5mgGlycyrrhiza glabra extract (USP)….7.5mgFoeniculum vulgare extract (USP…..5mgMentha piperita extract (USP)…..0.15mgMatricarai chanomilla extract(UPS)…..3.75mgDOSAGE:DULTS: 2 Teaspoonful CHILDREN: 1 teaspoonfulto be taken twice or thrice a day Or as directed by health care professional.VA Product of:MukaasIthaad Line-1, 5th Street DHA Phase-6 Karachi.بكانيرا بسكانيةالية الارانMuAcidSyrupAntacidFast Relief Of Heartburn-Acid Indigestion Pressure Bloating GasMuAcidSyrup AntacidHeartburn-AcisIndigestion Pressure Boating Gas壓120mlISOW120ml
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